Contemplating Friendship

The start of March saw the crescendo in my Contemplation bead necklace giveaway, and I was overwhelmed by the amount of you who entered. It certainly made for a fun arts and crafts session in the studio as we cut up all your names and popped them in the vase!

I have seen so many articles on friendship over the past few months, and many suggest that our friendships will be changed by lockdown and many lost. We are fortunate to live in a time of connectivity, video calling and the internet. I found myself reading the articles wondering why people would not be investing in their friendships and feeling sad for the thought of losing those close to me by merely not investing time in our relationships. 

This month has seen us celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight so we wanted to re share our journal post with you, all about our relationship with Fairtrade gold and why it is important to us. You can find it HERE. It has also been International Women’s Day this week, a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day marked a call to action for accelerating gender parity. As a woman in business never has it been more important to challenge gender bias and inequality, with the past years Covid restrictions and home schooling responsibilities falling mainly on the shoulders of women of the house there is a fear it could put back the hard work many have done before us. This week and forever I will always be proud of the work I and the many wonderful women in this world achieved. Here is to you.


Alison Macleod